Friday, July 23, 2010

Daniel Schorr - Dies at age 93 (from NPR)

Daniel Schorr passed away on Friday, July 23, 2010. Obituaries, a photo gallery and an archive of Schorr’s commentaries for NPR are available at

Veteran reporter Daniel Schorr, the last of Edward R. Murrow's legendary CBS team still fully active in journalism, currently interprets national and international events as senior news analyst for NPR.

Schorr's career of more than six decades has earned him many awards for journalistic excellence, including three Emmys, and decorations from European heads of state. He has also been honored by civil liberties groups and professional organizations for his defense of the First Amendment.

In 1996, he received the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Golden Baton for "Exceptional Contributions to Radio and Television Reporting and Commentary." The Golden Baton is the most prestigious award in the field of broadcasting and is considered the equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize. Other awards include a George Foster Peabody personal award for "a lifetime of uncompromising reporting of the highest integrity," the George Polk radio commentary award for "interpretations of national and international events," and the Distinguished Service Award of the American Society of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communications. Schorr has also been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Society of Professional Journalists.

In 2002, Schorr was elected to the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Also in 2002, Boston public radio station WBUR and Boston University instituted a Daniel Schorr Journalism Prize of $5,000 for an "individual news work of significance and quality by a young journalist in public radio."

His analysis of current issues is broadened by his firsthand perspective on recent history. At home, he has covered government controversies from Senator Joseph McCarthy's hearings in 1953 to the Clinton impeachment hearings in 1998 and 1999. Abroad, he has observed superpower summits from the Eisenhower-Krushchev meeting in Geneva in 1955 to the Reagan-Gorbachev conference in Moscow in 1988.

Schorr's twenty-year career as a foreign correspondent began in 1946. Having served in US Army intelligence during World War II, he began writing from Western Europe for the Christian Science Monitor and later The New York Times, witnessing postwar reconstruction, the Marshall Plan, and the creation of the NATO alliance.

In 1953, his vivid coverage of a disastrous flood that broke the dikes of the Netherlands brought him to Murrow's attention. He was asked to join CBS News as its diplomatic correspondent in Washington, from where he also traveled on assignment to Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

In 1955, with the post-Stalin thaw in the Soviet Union, he received accreditation to open a CBS bureau in Moscow. His two-and-a-half-year stay culminated in the first-ever exclusive television interview with a Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, filmed in his Kremlin office in 1957 for CBS' Face the Nation. However, Schorr's repeated defiance of Soviet censorship eventually landed him in trouble with the KGB. After a brief arrest on trumped-up charges, he was barred from the Soviet Union at the end of 1957.

For the following two years, Schorr reported from Washington and the United Nations, covering the tumultuous Khrushchev tour of the United States in 1959, interviewing Fidel Castro in Havana, and traveling with President Eisenhower to South America, Asia, and Europe.

In 1960, Schorr was assigned to Bonn as CBS bureau chief for Germany and Eastern Europe. He covered the Berlin crisis and the building of the Berlin Wall, and reported from throughout the Soviet bloc.

Reassigned to Washington in 1966, Schorr hung up his foreign correspondent's trench coat and settled down to "become re-Americanized," as he puts it, by plunging into coverage of civil rights and urban and environmental problems. He also bought his first house and, at the age of 50, married the former Lisbeth Bamberger. Their son, Jonathan, and daughter, Lisa, are graduates of Yale and Harvard, respectively.

In 1972, the Watergate break-in brought Schorr a full-time assignment as CBS' chief Watergate correspondent. Schorr's exclusive reports and on-the-scene coverage at the Senate Watergate hearings earned him his three Emmys. He unexpectedly found himself a part of his own story when the hearings turned up a Nixon "enemies list" with his name on it and evidence that the President had ordered that he be investigated by the FBI. This "abuse of a Federal agency" figured as one count in the Bill of Impeachment on which Nixon would have been tried had he not resigned in August of 1974.

That autumn, Schorr moved to cover investigations of the CIA and FBI scandals-what he called "the son of Watergate." Once again, he became a part of his own story. When the House of Representatives, in February of 1976, voted to suppress the final report of its intelligence investigating committee, Schorr arranged for publication of the advance copy he had exclusively obtained. This led to his suspension by CBS and an investigation by the House Ethics Committee in which Schorr was threatened with jail for contempt of Congress if he did not disclose his source. At a public hearing, he refused on First Amendment grounds, saying that "to betray a source would mean to dry up many future sources for many future reporters... It would mean betraying myself, my career and my life."

In the end, the committee decided 6 to 5 against a contempt citation. Schorr was asked by CBS to return to broadcasting but chose to resign to write his account of his stormy experience in a book, Clearing the Air. He accepted an appointment as Regents Professor of Journalism at the University of California at Berkeley and for two years wrote a syndicated newspaper column.

In 1979, Schorr was asked by Ted Turner to help create the Cable News Network, serving in Washington as its senior correspondent until 1985, when he left in a dispute over an effort to limit his editorial independence.

Since then, Schorr has worked primarily for NPR, contributing regularly to All Things Considered, Weekend Edition Saturday, Weekend Edition Sunday, and NPR live coverage of breaking news.

He has told his exciting life story in his memoir, Staying Tuned: A Life in Journalism (Pocket Books, 2001). Judith Viorst says, "The stories are delicious, the recall is astounding, the insights are witty and shrewd - and the writing sings."

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